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Who is ... ?

Rahila Khan

WhatsApp Image 2020-01-02 at

- Intuitive Coach, The Journey Facilitator,

founder of ISHQ Academy

Rahila Khan is a seasoned Journey practitioner, a business woman and a former teacher. She worked her way through life by doing what she loves. And that is facilitating people to acknowledge their own worth, while understanding the power of compassion, kindness and, above all, love. She is an advocate for shifting the thinking from old to new paradigms, among which the #LeadershipOfLove concept (of which creator Rahila is). With her, past programming (old beliefs systems) stand no chance, as she brings light into a world that is stubborn to resist to the unknown. She believes that the mentor-mentee relationship is a two-way street and that everyone has something to learn from the others, irrespective of age, religious beliefs, culture, skin color or social status.


The Human body is walking-talking biology. In its pure, natural state it is in co-existence and harmony with the Universe. 

Science discovered that HUMANS are the worst pollutants on the planet, by emitting negative toxic thoughts, emotions and behaviour. 

A radical and powerful way to face any challenge is through Emotional Release Process work. This gives you the opportunity to clear out any past generational patterns, pathologies, old conditioning and limiting belief systems and learned behaviour, which is the first step to forgiveness. The NEW HUMAN awakens, our “DNA” (Divinity Now Awakens) and your potential is realized.

The blueprint is an experiential methodology that effectively addresses the ROOT cause, not just the symptoms of any issue. It will give you the insights to reveal your own deepest answers, the core truth, your authentic self and begin living your life from this place. Discover old cell memories, resolving and clearing them completely, thus allowing the body to heal. Awaken to your true essence and boundless potential, letting go of emotional issues and healing them. The simple effective tools empower you to take charge in every aspect of your life, creating lasting transformation at the deepest of levels.

What can you do, for change to happen ?

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY begins with you. Healing and self- mastery can only begin from within you.

Ask yourself if:

  • Fear, anxiety or stress is prevalent in your life

  • You’re feeling stuck , blocked or defeated

  • You’re facing ill health or on-going physical issues

  • Unhealthy behaviours keep repeating, leaving you depressed, sad, angry and unable to go on

  • You wish for more fulfillment in your relationships

  • You are still searching for your own authentic greatness, your infinite potential, life purpose/meaning , your deepest truth

If the answer to any of the above statements is "YES", feel free to contact Rahila Khan for a consultation via Skype, video call or WhatsApp session.

" We learn from each other, irrespective of age, culture,

gender, social status or skin color."

-rahila khan

Rahila was the guest of many radio shows and podcasts in South Africa, Bahrain, Singapore and Romania. With her co-founder for this project, Rahila shared nuggets of wisdom in a series of 13 episodes for Impact By Choice Podcast. You can find all these episodes under the Podcast tab, in the main menu. In order to help people learn more about her work, but to also feel the shift in consciousness on their on skin, Rahila recorded two life-changing CDs:

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EQ + SQ > IQ

Re-Engineering the DNA

for NEW Humanity

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Leadership of Love

BE-ING Human

Rahila's Message to the World

"Every human is born with abilities, talents, skills and wisdom to serve and lead others. You are here to live the best version of yourself. It is about being the best human, in BE-ING HUMAN. More than ever, our planet needs healing. There is no peace and love without inner freedom.



Promoting Leadership of Love in SELF, family, education, business and healthcare in BE-ING HUMAN

The deepest yearning for so many people is the simple act of love. Beyond material possessions, families, relationships, and careers, each of us quietly seeks the feeling and experience of love.

Going beyond personal love into the realm of unconditional love, the realization is that we can approach life through love and forgiveness, caring and sharing. Love has the power to transmute all negativity. Much of the turmoil and chaos we are witnessing either personally and/or globally is our own inner reflection of our past, negative conditioning, beliefs and programming.  Everyone can make a difference in this world, every time we choose love, pure light energy — living a life of unconditional love."

Remember that the Essence is LOVE and LIGHT ! "


Live the best version of your life



What is offered?

  • ONE-ON-ONE THERAPY SESSIONS (parents, children & all ages, employees)




  • BRAIN GYMNASTICS - improves math, reading, spelling, concentration, short term memory, heighten energy levels and greater flow of blood to the brain (switch the brain “ON”)



Guided introspection/visualisations to:

  • Get to know your body and your personality type (Kinesthetic, Auditory or Visual);

  • Release negative emotions and belief systems;

  • Re-engineer the DNA to greater self-awareness and Emotional & Spiritual Intelligence, in BE-ING HUMAN.




CD 1: Re-engineering the DNA for New Humanity

  • EQ + SQ > IQ

  • Emotional Quotient + Spiritual Quotient > Intellectual Quotient

CD 2: Re-engineering the DNA for New Humanity

  • Eco-Therapy

  • Leadership of Love -BE-ING HUMAN


"Rahila is a rare gem in Africa. The  Emotional Mastery Coach has the gift of healing people from toxic emotions. After two sessions, I was totally convinced that she will move the World, given the adequate and necessary support." 

Chinedu Junior Ihekwoaba

(Poetpreneur, LinkedIn TOP content creator - Nigeria)

What do people say about rahila

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