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Who is ... ?

andrada anitei

Andrada Anitei, CEO of Flavored Ventures SRL

- NLP Practitioner & Coach, Writer & Editor,

founder of Flavored Ventures

Andrada Anitei is a passionate writer & editor, using self-development as cornerstone for everything she does. She started her writing adventure as a manner of coping with life and healing older wounds, and she fell in love with this craft. She has been blessed with an extraordinary passion, curiosity, eagerness to understand, fast learning abilities and interest in various areas, active listening skills and lots of love for people.


She believes in the beauty of souls, despite nowadays trends. In fact, she embraces the "weirdo" within, while giving her inner child full permission to play. Being a stubborn believer in beauty and magic, she has looked for and learned plenty of life stories in 2018 and 2019. The interviews she took can be found on her LinkedIn profile and by listening to Impact By Choice Podcast. The concept behind her podcast is that each human being has the right to choose what to believe in and to build their own beneficial thought process.

" People are beautiful, but

         they don't know it yet ! "

-andrada anitei

Both her published books are based on the transformation process the author went through, over the past 5 to 10 years.

The man - cover image.jpg

"The Man, The Moon and

the Casquette"


7 padlocks (1).png

"7 Padlocks: A story of Self-

Discovery in the 19th Century"


Andrada also has a poetry book in works, new fictional self-development stories, as well a few non-fictional books. As published editor, Andrada's name appears in books from Luxembourg, USA, Canada, South Africa and Romania.

Andrada's Message to the World

As my message to you today, I would like to share an article I wrote in 2017:

"What if we chose to be better, today? What if we would put racism away? What if we saw the heart within a body? What if we cared for every single breath a creature takes? What if we would open our eyes, minds and hearts and let love spread? What if we would inspire people around us to be better than WE are? What if we could help unconditionally? What if we would not expect rewarding for our actions? What if we enjoyed seeing others grow? What if we were happy for successful people instead of envying? What if we chose to cut off hatred and let stars shine thru everything? What if we loved our children more than we could ever loved ourselves? What if we would be able to meet people miles away in a glimpse of an eye?

What if we dedicated our time to sending out good thoughts instead of judging? What if we decided to protect those beautiful green trees providing us oxygen and refused their massacre? What if we stopped global warming? What if we stopped illegal hunting? What if we stopped feeding the greed of insatiable politicians and hidden leaders of this world? What if we danced, smiled, laughed, created and shared joy to everyone around us? What if we avoided negativity and focused on the good side of every day? What if we chose to open our eyes every morning and be thankful for another new dawn? What if we chose to chase that rainbow in our dreams and be grateful for new beginnings?


What if we chose to defend our rights? What if we chose to stand up for helpless creatures? What if we took off all our miserable masks and threw them in the deepest ocean? What if we made up our minds to let new winds blow our way? What if we chose to swipe away all those boxes? What if we crossed the lines and left our comfort zone for a greater purpose? What if we chose to communicate more? What if we decided to give another shot to change?


What if… ?


Would any of this make any difference? Would our lives take a turn? Would we have different levels of breathing? Would we be human? Would we be happy? Would we be able to steer up the boat of living in a different direction? Would anyone listen to such benevolent beings? Would the supreme power turn anger down from us? Would calamities stop? Would we achieve a higher level of consciousness? Would we, as human race, be proud of ourselves?


Would it matter?

How does this sound? How do you picture such an existence? Can you imagine walking on the streets without being afraid of theft, murder, massacre, industrial suffocation, without greed for never-ending gold/platinum ingots and limited-in-time power? Can you imagine breathing fresh air everywhere, without such pollution? Do you picture yourselves feeding the nature instead of reducing it to silence? What would the world look like without Miss Universe/ America – whatsoever – pattern? Could we, ever, change the concept of inheritance?

I, for one, as a dreamer and idealist, can see. I would imagine. I’d love to witness. I believe in a second, better, reality. For me, this kind of world would be described in 2 words: “infinite art“.


I do hope we will clean our glasses well enough to let the light shine from a different angle and project a new perspective!


Much Love,



float above your time line

What can Andrada assist you with?

ONE-ON-ONE COACHING SESSIONS (adults) - NLP non-invasive Techniques, such as (yet not limited to): 

  • Anchoring is a technique that allows people to encapsulate a certain state of being and make use of it whenever needed;

  • Swish Pattern is a technique that installs choices for a new way of life;

  • Parts Integration is one of the most unbelievable transformational techniques. Words fail to describe its benefits on the long term. Have the picture of a broken toy in your mind and then think about the frustration of realizing that fixing it is impossible. Parts Integrations technique is the secret fix of the toy, yet applied in real life. 

TIME LINE THERAPY is an easy process that allows the practitioner to assist clients in releasing negative emotions, such as anger, sadness, fear, guilt and hurt. Many times, these feelings do not even belong to us. They are being transferred from generation to generation, instilled in the womb or are following us from previous lives. Once the process comes to an end, and with continuous work to maintain a positive state of mind, you become a limitless someone. This is how you can create a better, clean future.

HYPNOSIS SESSIONS Despite the generally misinterpreted spread concept, a real hypnosis practitioner should never use this practice to control the client. Instead, the facilitator is just that - the guide who assists the client in communicating with their unconscious mind.

WRITING THERAPY  - Writing is one the most effective tools for self-discovery and for healing past wounds, as well as anxieties linked to scenarios that never took place. In saying "self-discovery", Andrada stresses out the fact that bringing into awareness what the unconscious mind has guarded for so long leads the way to new beginnings. Therefore, from a coaching standpoint, writing will be used with high priority during and between the  sessions (e.g: Re-framing is one of the technique that will require intensive thought process. In order to make sure that no thought is being lost between sessions, a writing tool is recommended to be  at hand at all times). Unlike other coaches, though, Andrada suggests that you should use a tool which is most convenient to you for this process. Some people feel very comfortable about writing with pen and paper, while others take full advantage of today's technology and use their phones to write down thoughts. Fortunately, we are all different, thus learning what suits us best is a great step forward.


Check out the "Courses" page.

coaches are misfits by default


In today's world, people are very comfortable in wearing masks that are too heavy. In this context, genuine Coaches, Facilitators and Mentors are misfits by design. And the reason couldn't be easier to identify!

Genuine Coaches, Facilitators and Mentors have something that separates them from the rest: they CARE. A lot. And by "care" we refer to a few traits that should be fairly identified: integrity, quality of work and truth before anything. Which means that masks should be left aside during sessions. Additionally, coaches are meant to assign tasks and clients need to prove their availability to accomplish the tasks. In walking this journey together, both the coach and the client should be completely open to communicate, on a deeper level, in order for the core issues/ struggles/ causes to be identified.  

A coaching session is always a new opportunity for both the client and the coach to learn new things. And coaches are very curious, by nature. Unless they understand what is really going on under the surface, the therapy will be just another reason to spend some time in vain. However, the purpose of coaching is completely different: results is what a coach aims for and guides you through to reach to.


Consequently, please be true to yourselves and ask and answer the following questions:

  • Are you at the effect or at the cause side of your life?

  • Are you willing to make changes happen?

When you have the answers, please feel free to use the      button to call or send Andrada a WhatsApp message. (find it next to the social media buttons).

What do people say about andrada


"Andrada is the definition of growth mindset. She is incredibly driven and focused. She brings a tremendous value with her creative genius, yet is incredibly humble. Her ability to connect with people really compliments her drive and makes her a value to any organization."


(Health & Life Coach, Speaker, Author of "Death by 1000 Paper Cuts" -U.S.A.)

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