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How It All Began

#BornFromLove Project is the natural result of an incredible soul-bond, created over the course of years, and it is on-going. But it all started with an interview, in the summer of 2018. From there, we kept on building, supporting each other and we aim to inspire others through our story.

At that time, Andrada Anitei was the coordinator of a written interview series called #ValuableDiversity, conceived with the purpose of showcasing the beauty of human souls. All corners of the world were present and one of these interviews had Rahila Khan, from South Africa, as guest. 

Ever since their first interaction, the two ladies felt that instant, inexplicable connection. Thus, the relationship grew over the span of two years and brought their first collaboration, for Andrada’s podcast. Rahila accepted to be a weekly guest, for 13 weeks in a row. The collaboration implied conversations on the basis of Andrada’s first book, which impressed Rahila.

Once the book covers were closed and, therefore, the last episode of the podcast was released, Andrada didn’t want to let her guest go, as something would have been missing. The podcast series ended, though, but new ideas came to surface. Eventually, Born From Love Project shaped up.

This project unfolds under different shapes, such as mentoring/ facilitation sessions, live events, podcast/ video episodes, recorded tracks that will be available for purchase in the shop, our future publication and through books.

There are several ways in which anyone can become “an ally” to this worldwide endeavor, so make sure you check the “Collaborations” section, under the Project Highlights tab in the main menu.

Meet the team

andrada anitei

Andrada Anitei, CEO of Flavored Ventures SRL

- NLP Practitioner & Coach, Writer & Editor,

founder of Flavored Ventures

rahila khan

WhatsApp Image 2020-01-02 at

- Intuitive Coach, The Journey Facilitator,

founder of ISHQ Academy



The two ladies built a life-lasting relationship and collaboration by recognizing the power of openness towards vulnerability, the beauty of fair interactions and by supporting each other in this adventure called a life. Through the Born From Love project, the co-founders aim to inspire people to make a significant impact on the world around them. 

In the "Podcast" section, you can listen to one of their most meaningful collaboration so far, yet greater things are to come. Find out more from the "Events" page. 

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