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(Loving, caring and nurturing in BE-ING HUMAN)

What is CEO of SELF offering? EQ +SQ > IQ

  • Clearing out negative/limiting beliefs and social conditioning (outdated programming)

  • Dismantling the unconscious behaviour which prevent you from achieving peak performances

  • Learning to deal with emotions- including stress, fear, anxiety, self-judgment

  • Uncovering your innate qualities of leadership/self-mastery in all areas of your life

  • Becoming an agent for potent personal and professional change


What are the benefits for you and your organization?

  • Increased productivity, efficiency and creativity

  • More authenticity and influence with management, employees, colleagues and clients

  • Picking better goals/targets-focus on where it best serves yourself and the team

  • Fewer personnel problems, absenteeism, health problems

  • Improved morale and teamwork

  • Less conflict, more dialogue, improved relationships


What are the results?

  • More creativity and energy

  • A greater freedom of choice, especially in difficult dynamics with management, employees, colleagues

  • Less programmed behavior

  • More calm, focus, simplicity and clarity in your leadership

  • More authenticity Increased Emotional & Spiritual Intelligence in leadership

  • More compassion, empathy for humans results in Happiness and joy in the workplace


Learn to awaken your own power and potential. Become the change within your company/ organization/ team.

Tailor- made packages for one-one and group sessions are available.


In re-engineering the DNA for New Humanity, the Leadership of LOVE in BE-ING HUMAN paves the way for futuristic, authentic visionary leaders. It begins with finding SELF, by becoming still and silent through guided introspection, reflection and a process of natural selection of the body. Also, by tapping into the body's inherent wisdom and chemistry, to heal itself. With practice, your thoughts, feelings/emotions, state of being and behavior/actions come into alignment when you are SILENT.  The NEW Human awakens by using SELF-MASTERY techniques. The basic step is learning how to breathe properly and experiencing the union of the inner world and the outer world, therefore enhancing our natural state of BE-ING human.

What recommends Rahila Khan for corporate workshops?


Founder and CEO of ISHQ Leadership Academy, Fully accredited Journey & Alternate Practitioner/ consultant for private practice.

Training programme in Entrepreneurship, self-empowerment techniques & lateral thinking skills (Earn ‘n Learn Franchise), Completed Business Training with KZN Business Partners.

Community development worker, serving the very indigent communities in the Verulam/Waterloo area for an Islamic Non-Profit Organisation (Orient Old Boys Association).

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