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Shifting paradigms


Each of us has a choice. Each of us can make an impact.

Learn how we choose to make an impact, through our work.

Building a conscious way of living


   After 30 years of working with people from all walks of life and of all ages, Rahila Khan is currently offering 1-1 consultations, as a Journey practitioner. She is one of the highly-rated facilitator in South Africa, but her work is global. 
Her compassionate yet objective approach of the practice helps her clients unleash their true potential and resolve life blocks.

   Rahila is the author of the transformational book called "Manimals: Embracing animals for new humanity". It is a book presenting what home-based leadership means and how can it be taken into the work environment. Moreover, the author openly shares personal experiences, external resources and 7 golden pointers into a blissful future
   She is also available for speaking engagements, which will shift your company's/ employees' perspective on life. 

one to one Sessions

create your life with a pen

Pink Notebook

writing guidance

The best way of leveraging on the coaching sessions is to take each task seriously. Among these tasks, you will be required to write down how you envision your life further on. And there's are several reasons for it:

  • Writing clears unnecessary clutter

  • You gain clarity on who you are deep within and about what you want to do, with all your heart

  • You get over undesired states with much more ease, as you write down how you feel.

Andrada is the one to assist you in this journey.​

However, these private practice guidelines are not limited to the coaching sessions. Andrada will be happy to assist you in discovering your innate creative genius. Maybe poetry is your thing and you were unaware. Or maybe prose suites you best.  Regardless, you will learn how writing can liberate you.

holistic creative writing programme

"Even a tree gifts

                 its leaves to the soil"

- Andrada Anitei

   Andrada Anitei is the author of 2 fictional self-development books, a seeker and the founder of Holistic Creative Writing Programme for children.

   Andrada Anitei is the mother of 2 children and she understood pretty early the real need of allowing children to express themselves. Therefore, she decided to create this programme, which will help children unleash their creativity, while learning skills no school teaches: entrepreneurial skills, lateral thinking, the importance of collaboration and many more.
   Additionally, through the practice of using pen and paper to express their deepest feelings, children will grow up as open-minded adults, knowing their own value. 

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