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The time is now...

We witness tragic events, everywhere we turn...

We find frowned faces, in every country...

We see depressed people, in every field of expertise...

We learn how many faces unhappiness has, beyond any social status...

Some people call it "the odds", others call it "fate", others say "it's God's plan". Regardless, most people blame it on a higher force, for every unfortunate event. 


But, in taking a closer look, we realize that the root of all these happenings is a trauma or a limiting belief we carry in our DNA, for generations. However, most people are not aware of their own power of choice and the great impact they can have on someone else. And neither do they realize that change starts from within.


Most of us are waiting for someone else to show up and take charge of what we cannot solve.

Most of us expect to be loved by others, in order to feel complete.

Most of us simply place the key to our existence in the pocket of another.

But here comes a time when everything has to adjust. And the time is NOW!

Emotional Intelligence

+ Spiritual Quotient

> IQ

EQ+SQ > IQ : Re-engineering the DNA for New Humanity

11 tracks that will guide you through a whole new level of vibration 

A CD that offers the necessary tools for "re-branding" your consciousness

"Breathe first,

                panic later ! "

- Rahila khan

How it all began...

#BornFromLove Project is the natural result of an incredible soul-bond, created over the course of years, and it is on-going. But it all started with an interview, in the summer of 2018. From there, we kept on building, by supporting each other, and we aim to inspire others through our story.

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Honesty is key

In all we do, we keep honesty and integrity at high stake. By engaging with our work below, you will learn how you can change your life, without waiting for the others to do it for you. The only one responsible for your happiness and well-being is yourself!



Each of us has a choice.

Each of us can make an impact.

Learn how we choose to make an impact, through our work.

events ? yes, please !

Female Presenter


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