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Rahila Khan


Updated: Mar 25, 2021

The ECONOMIC PARADIGM in Global Consciousness is where most humans find themselves a never-ending rat race for fame, riches and glory, a competitive process which only brings gloom and doom. We operate from the past in order to maintain the status quo. It is a never-ending vicious cycle.

Humans live from the mind, fear-based and doing in order to have. We have become reactive, love with conditions, live separate, alone and are lonely. We have learnt to live in the past and/or in the future and have become self-centered and self-absorbed.

We know how to blame, be judgmental and over-critical, to manipulate and control. We have mission, goals and strategies and with it come inauthentic use of power and authority. We lack trust. The old paradigm was having more, is, being more!!! Humans are consumed with worries and are confused, in need and want credit to survive. We are dysfunctional, wounded and have become victims, wallowing in struggle, suffering, self-pity, an abysmal dark bottomless pit.

The HUMAN way is “MAN’s” way filled with desperation, greed, lust, crime and no value for human life and/or life itself?

Vision Consciousness is a transition, a bridge where new humans learn to live from mind and spirit, do-ing and be-ing. Based on unconditional LOVE humans co-operate, collaborate, contribute and serve in wholeness with purpose and meaning. In Vision Consciousness, we are community-centered in serving SELF. Humans practice greater discernment, choice, acceptance, forgiveness and vigilance. We have vision, mission and goals with authentic use of power and authority, an emergence of trust, centered-ness and more LOVE.

Mastery and fewer words is the way. Transformational living begins by letting go of all that no longer serves us. The healer and being healed, is the transitional way which leads one into effortless Grace. We come from a space of openness, willingness and operate from the heart center.

The Universal Consciousness is living from spirit, vision and sacred service. Humans are divine LOVE in co-creation and co-existence and harmony with NATURE. The new HUMAN BE-ING is totally pro-active, living only in the PRESENT, in unity, ONENESS, in service for the highest good of all. In Universal Consciousness the human looks to SELF as source energy and looks for the gift within all things with gratitude. There is pure intention and prayer with faith, belief and trust in divine will. Everything is experienced as a divine expression. Consciousness creates when we live from TRUTH, simplicity and have huge reverence in all living and non-living things. With Self-responsibility as the base we keep creating something from nothing using our latent abilities, talents and skills. We tap into the Universal Power in order to experience infinite possibilities, opportunities to sustain us. In the process we are gifted with joy, freedom, contentment, fulfillment and peace along the way. The new human awakens in this beautiful “present” called life! True freedom is experienced when we are in peace as co-creators of our destiny. Knowing-ness prevails on our own path through trials, tribulations and soul lessons learnt.

This magnificent Infinite Intelligence/God is DIVINE LOVE that enriches us from inside/out in superfluous abundance, prosperity and happiness!

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